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For rapists, punishment wont do – A serious makeover of society necessary!

While there is a continuing outrage going on across the country regarding diminishing societal values and disrespect of women in the country, I also register my say in this respect. The said initiative is for the Delhi Rape Victim who was brutally raped in a moving bus in the capital few days ago. The shocking incident brought to forefront a self – evident face of the society where nowadays young girls and women have to fear from an empty road as well as a crowded place. Such an aspect is derogatory of the basic values which society always boasts of. India has reached to such a pedestal where even new born girls are not spared from being victims of such disastrous crime. Molestation and Eve teasing are also on an ever high rate. Well it’s not far from now when such people won’t even hesitate to rape our Motherland and openly deter from her traditions, culture and values.

In India, we talk about equality of gender and also status, the same has not yet been achieved by our policy makers. The major reason is that the basic unit of a society – i.e. the present day Family has not been able to imbibe such values to their own members. Thus, the future has a long narrow dark tunnel of crimes which ultimately leads an individual behind bars. And such an individual gains the status of a “Criminal” who is bailed out of jail even earlier than he himself expects and lives his life freely looking for a new prey. The rape victim is left with nothing – no soul, no peace of mind, no friends and sometime even their own families don’t back them. The fear of social stigma on all the fronts devastates their lives. She can’t think of a new life because then the society will step in and say “That your contribution had been enough, now don’t you dare come back to us because we have some basic dignity and traditions. On the other hand, you are left with nothing. It’s better if you end your life!”

Any overnight solution is not possible in this regard. You need to change your perception that such a situation cannot affect your lives; but sooner or later you’ll get to know that you are damn wrong and there’s a lot more to worry about on the other hand. Fastest Track Court is of utmost importance. Society should accept the pros and cons of such a peculiar situation and mend ways to not let this happen to any other woman in the country.